Monday 30 April 2012

P.A.N.A.S & H.O.T

assalamualaikum!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (x jawab dosa tau, klu mlas jwab pun jwab je dlm hati k)

hmmmmm.....aku dah msuk kan in my planner...on 28 of APRIL aku nak g PESTA BUKU kat PWTC ngan adik aku!!!!!!!!!!!! semangat tau aku nak kuar ngan dia....coz dah lme x lpak2 and pau dia...but....da day b4 aku g PWTC, aku bru tau ada BERSIH...wtfffffff...
aku rasa pasni if ada function or event2 mcm nie should letak siap2 dlm clender siap2 dr thun lpas k...
watever it is, aku still x ubah pendirian aku...aku ttp nak g jugak even org ramai yg pergi "BERSIH"kan KL..bcoz bila aku dah plan aku mesti wat...aku mmg pantang lah, klu dah plan2, cancel hujung2...g mmpus...aku pun x suka tggu org berjam2..and aku pun x suka org tggu aku...aku mmg x fham jugak ngan org yg "lembap" nie...klu x menyusahkan xpelah jugak... (aku dah hilang sabar after ngadap "DIGI" )...
 walaupape pun....aku dpt jugak borong novel and aku dah abis bce dah sume nye....kuang2....thanks to my beloved sis...pasni boleh lah u blnja i beli "KAIN KAPAN" plak kan...huhuhu...

stop bebel pasal pesta buku...coz nnti lain plak yg aku cte and melebar2...

then....ari nie ari ISNIN....aku pun x suka ari ISNIN...sebab ia ari ISNIN...huhuhu...
td g kelas pun lemah longlai and aku totally x ku paksa kan jugak hati ini...
yg penting aku mmg xde mood lgsung....waaaaaa....
penyakit MALAS or LAZY dtg....ini adalah disbb kan faktor pertukaran hormon agk nye....abis dengan sume org aku nak hangin...lantak pi lah hangpa2 sume... wat sakit otak aku je dok pikiq2 hangpa...(bila plak i speaking kedah nie, maaf lah ye klu slah)

yg pling aku hangin skang and mintak2 cepat lah aku cool bila dpt coolblog if ada org blanja...
"lu fikir wa xde telinga nak dgar,engkau klu x nak ckap jelah "TAK NAK PADA ROKOK"..nntilah pemblasan dri BAWANG PUTIH "

mcm buang tebiat je aku nie kan...lantak pi lah...yg penting aku nak ingat kan sume....skang tgh musim panas,banyak2 kan lah mkan ice cream... (nasihat dri dokter haiwan)

selamat malam sume...gud bye!!!!

Thursday 26 April 2012

For You

actually aku tgh wat anlyze my table 4 bf assgment....
then suddenly, i feel wanna write and tell him something.
but i can't do it in reality...
so....i want to bebel at my own blog...its mine and no one can stop me.

sunyi xde kwan gduh.

o.k....aku dah nak wat kje...c u all next entry...thanks..

Monday 23 April 2012

kegilaan ku.

 haiiiiiiii.....entry kali nie juz nak ajak u all nyanyi lgu tau!!!!


On the other side of a street I knew
Stood a girl that looked like you
I guess thats deja vu
But I thought this can't be true
Cause you moved to west L.A or New York or Santa Fe
Or where or ever to get away from me

Oh but that one night
Was more than just right
I didn't leave you cause I was all through
Oh I was overwhelmed and frankly scared as hell
Because I really fell for you

Oh I swear to you
I'll be there for you
This is not a drive by
Just a shy guy looking for a two ply
Hefty bag to hold my love
When you move me everything is groovy
They don't like it sue me
mmm the way you do me
Oh I swear to you
I'll be there for you
This is not a drive by

On the upside of a downward spiral
My love for you went viral
And I loved you every mile you drove away
But now here you are again
So let's skip the "how you been"And
get down to the "more than friends" at last

Oh but that one night
Is still the highlight
I didn't need you until I came to
and I was overwhelmed and frankly scared as hell
Because I really fell for you

Oh I swear to you
I'll be there for you
This is not a drive by
Just a shy guy looking for a two ply
Hefty bag to hold my love
When you move me everything is groovy
They don't like it sue me
mmm the way you do me
Oh I swear to you
I'll be there for you
This is not a drive by

Please believe that when I leave
There's nothing up my sleeve but love for you
And a little time to get my head together too

On the other side of a street I knew
Stood a girl that looked like you
I guess thats deja vu
But I thought this can't be true

Oh I swear to you
I'll be there for you
This is not a drive by
Just a shy guy looking for a two ply
Hefty bag to hold my love
When you move me everything is groovy
They don't like it sue me
mmm the way you do me
Oh I swear to you
I'll be there for you
This is not a drive by

lgu nie mcm nak x nak je comel kan...
so, if rasa nak mood nakal2, dengar lah lgu nie...msti rasa excited nak ke kelas tax...
lastly...plz enjoy this song...

Sunday 22 April 2012



ari nie saat nie....aku juz nak cakap and bgtau.....


Friday 20 April 2012

my lovely weekend.

hellooooooo guys...

for today its juz a short entry..
first and first, wake up in da early morning...da first thing come up from my mind is ASSGMENT..
aku g bersiram pun ingat kat Assgment...
mimpi pun aku mimpikan Assgment... (hehehhehe...nmpak sgt lah tipu nye kan) 

study lah sgt kan!!!

mcm gaya aku tdo x???

saturday pun still ada class...

interesting tak my lovely weekend....
Ikhlas kan hati dan berfikiran as a student...
cnfirm sume keje siap dgn aman damai..

good luck Amed!!!!

Wednesday 18 April 2012


helllllloooooo sume....
tgk tajuk macam apa je kan....jiwang sangat ke???
juz to share my feeling yesterday.. very2 sad feeling..i don't know what to do...
in the early morning, in the auditing class.... i saw him walking as usual (hnya byang2).
on that time, aku baru tau.... aku kehilangan and damn...misz that person...
at 1 part, aku terfikir 1 bnda...bila org tue dah xde dpan mata, bru lah kita nak hargai dia... (ini lah manusia)

 tapi itu lah kehidupan...klu xde masalah, xde lah bnda nak di pelajari...kne slalo kuat semangat dan happy ngan org sekeliling...even jiwa tgh, layan kan aje lah perasaan ku nie...

"When I miss you, sometimes I listen to music or look at pictures of you, not to remind me of you but to make me feel as if I'm with you. It makes me forget the distance and capture you."

 lastly, juz for you and all my frenz..


c u next entry...bye.

p/s : bukan selalooooo dpt jiwang2...hehehhe..

Tuesday 17 April 2012

Ragam2 student IIUM

hellooooo guys!!!!
wahhhhh....datang pulak idea nak merepek kerepek skang....skang aku berada di OLD TOWN WHITE COFFEE TAMAN MELATI bersama sahabat2 ku aisha ghazali and ida one of my mmber pre reg subjek...skang budak2 level 4 tgh perang ngan system IIUM yg mmg terbaik lah dari kampung...aku dah dkat 4 tahun duk ngadap add drop subjek kat IIUm nie...mmg haprak...x pernah nye nak add ngan aman...mesti berperang punya...berperang ngan apa???berperang ngan perasaan geram and kelam kabut...takut x dpat add pe yang kite nak...time nak pre reg nie lah kte dpat tgk bdk2 IIUM semua memaki hamun....sume taring dan keganasan akn terserlah time pre reg nie....hahahhaha...termasuk lah aku...mula2 je bertawakkal...pastu bila asyik x dapat je nak bukak page IIUM, start lah sume huruf "F" terkeluar...ini lah life student IIUM...nak wat bnda canggih2, tapi klu menyenang kan student xpe lah jugak...ini mkin susah adalah...jap2 server down lah...server jammed lah...sume nye lah jadi time pre reg...klu org x sabar mmg habis lappy campak2...hahahhaha....agak2 nye mcmne lah system kat university2 lain kan...same ke mcm IIUM???kadang2 bila aku cite kat kawan2 aku pasal system IIUM, diorg ckp diorg x mcm tue pun..hmmmm....tggu lah...nnti pasni aku nak amek Master or Phd kat tempat lain lah plak...naik bosan dah duk IIUM...rasa mcm nak sambung kat Korea lah....boleh jumpe Gu Jun Pyo hensem aku...okeyyyyyyy......aku dah start melalut...skang jam menunjuk kan pkul 6.55 petang, alhamdullilah ....mmbe aku dah dpt add subjek dia...hampir 1 jam dia berperang ngan system IIUM...terbaik lah beb!!!!

skang ,aku nak cite pasal muka aku yg berjerawat nie...baru2 nie, muka aku naik jerawat agk kat atas dahi je..mcm2 cra aku wat untuk mengurangkan...diantara nye :
1) bsuh muka ngan air suam.
3)minum air putih bnyak2
4) mkan tomato hari2

hahahhahaha....pdhal salah sendri kot sbb picit jerawat ngan kuku...tue sebab dia merebak2...alhamdullilah...skang dah berkurang itu masalah....moral of da story, jgn tensen,,,nnti msti "dia" muncul...kuang2...

aku dah ketandusan idea untuk entry kali nie...ku akhiri entry kali nie ngan pic2 cantik kami lg comel...tadaaaaa!!!!
muka aku x cantik time nie.
yg tgh ngan tudung purple tukang menyibuk.

Monday 16 April 2012

warna warni

assalmualaikum..... =)

today, aku nak cte and describe sorang2 kawan aku kat uia...diorang lah teman2 aku time aku suka dan duka....yg pling obvious, diorg ada time lepaking lah...klu dah berjumpe mmg lupa nak blik UIA..mcm2 cte nak di ctekan...mcm2 lawak nak dilawak kan...apa yg penting, mereka sume kawan aku....
firstly, kwan and sahabat aku nie aku knl first day time orientation...dia dtg pinjam charger time tue...and now, she still beside me...

chubby kan pipi dia

 then , aku knl ini mamat time 2009...dia lah otai kmi...dia yg memperluaskan empayar kawan2 ku...dia seorg, if sape2 interested nak jdi kan dia as a drumer,,,please contact me... (promote org nmpak nye)... hehehhehe...encik maza in da house!!!!
dia ngantok time nie..nie time his bufday and rambut tgh lurus2...

abis lah aku pasni kene hamun ngan mereka.... the next person is JKX...actually tue no flat kete 2 lah, aku knl dia pun dgan name gitu...nama sebenar dirahsia kan...hehehehehe...dia amat dikenali ngan trademark "lambat tinggal and 5 minit"..klu nak tau pe mksud nye, nnti2 aku cte...

sume lelap je.

nie plak mmbe aku yg sgt sempoi...klu kemana2 klu boleh nak pkai boxer ngan singlet je kuar...gaya pun ala2 Gu Jun Pyo k...dia pun mcm maza, tpi dia main bass...klu diatgh main bass, sila tgk gerakan2 jari jemari nye...jgn tertarik menarik plak, klu ada sape2 interested nak jdi kan dia pemain bass or pelakon, boleh lah cari aku...sbb aku PA terhormat dia...hehehehhe.
Gu Jun Pyo made in S'pore.

ini lgi menarik....mmbe aku nie hot tau...dia pandai menyanyi...suara dia mmg mantoppppp gler...ada rzki tak lame lgi kuar lah album mereka...nanti kn je kat yg hot about him??? mcm2...dia ada semua kebolehan...pape pun, dia lah penghibur hati kmi...sbb dia "RAJA LAWAK IIUM"..sape2 berkenan, as usual..calling2 me k....hehehehehe..
same kn muka kmi???

mata dah ngantok lah plak.... tak larat dah aku nak ngadap ini lappy..mlm nnti before tdo, aku update my frenz part 2...ramai lgi yg aku x kenal kan lgi.. to all my frenz, i love u all so much...and sorry klu ter"promote" u all..yg lain plak, nnti mlm aku sambung k...selamat mmbce dan berkenalan...maaf lah ye...entry yg x bape nak bg ilmu...gud nite...( nak tdo jap)

Saturday 14 April 2012

merepek makan kerepek

hey..hey...aku x percaya cinta...
hey...hey...aku x percaya cinta...hahhahhahaha... (klu x silap aku lgu liyana jasmay kot)
ari nie saat ini ketika ini...aku bru je bgun dri mimpi yg indah...dah 2 ari aku topup tdo...klu tau lah kat mak mertua...cnfirm lah kne reject... (masalah nye skang bf pun xde)...
slama beberapa ari nie...aku telah menganalisis dan menganalisis pasal bebelog...OMG...aku teringat kat cool blog lah plak...bila ingat cool blog, ingat kat faez (my frenz yg botak)... jauh nye lah aku melalut... berbalik kpada topic analisis pasal blog... seronok sgt2 dpt bce blogger2 terkenal mcm YUYU ZULAIKHA, FATIN and so on lah...penulisan mereka sgt x bosan lah nak dibce...then, most of the blogger nie ada bgi2 tips pasal pun apa lgi..terus amek maklum lah, skang masalah jerawat kat muka aku mkin berleluasa... then, aku dah start berangan2 nak jdi mcm diorg jugak....hehehehehe..nak menulis pun tiada idea...
klu korang kat blik sorang2, apa yg anda akan laku kan???? klu aku lah...ini jwapan nye :

1) tengok running man and family outing.
2) beronline sampai x tau nak watpe.
3)guling2 atas katil sampai tido.
4) berangan2 pasal masa dpn...(terutama bab khwin)
5)mengemas blik sampai blik org sblh pun aku kmas.
6)karaoke sorang2.
7)study and wat assgment (klu rajin dtg)

dlm bnyak2 tue, yg pling aku slalo wat tgk running man ngan family outing lah...pastu ktawa kuat2 mcm org mklum lah sorang2 kat blik...hehehehhehe.
masalah nye skang....aku lapar!!!! nak mkan nsi arab..masalah besar nye adalah malas nak gerak kemana2...mmg lpar sampai esok lah aku nie..amalan diet yg bgus,,,lgi2 mkan KOKO KRUNCH...koko krunch pun dah naik menyampah tgk muka aku duk mkn dia....hahahhahha...
rindu nye lah zaman2 dlu kan...zaman2 dunia ini kmi yg punye...

                                            ~gara2 angin kipas kat kdai mamak ~

pantang nmpak camera.

sume kuat mkan kecuali amed.

skang masing2 ada hala tuju msing2 dan mereka sume ttp bersama even x dpt lepak2 bersama...apa guna teknologi canggih2 klu x di manfaat kan.... korang sume ttp di dlm lappy pink aku...kuang2...
dah lah...perut aku mintak di isi...almklum lah, baby aku dah 2 bulan...hhahahhaha...c u next entry... selamat makan sume!!!
gud bye..

Thursday 12 April 2012

last minute study

hey guyzzzzzz.....right now , aku msih blum abis study my bf subjek....hehehehhe...coz bru je abis paper tax...mid term sume dkat2...inilah lumrah kehidupan as a student...kte perlukan pengorbanan in term of masa and our mind...sbnar nye blja nie x susah klu kte actually smart...x perlu study hard...but for person like me, yg otak kurang function dgn penuh usaha tue lah...amed ttp amed..dia sgt suka study last minit..then tension and tergolek2 sorang2 x ubah mcm org gler.. nnti tgh2 mlm start calling cikgu farid...slow talk about study...and he will said... "hamidah, ko dah usaha...skang g lah wat solat tahajud..doa sungguh2 kat Allah...if tak dpt jugak jawab itu bermkna ko perlu perbetul kan mana silap nye..." itulah nasihat seorg ayah yg sentiasa sabar ngan ank nye...aku je yg tak reti nak bersyukur and berterima kasih ngan pengorbanan nye... (apasal sedih beno lah plak my story)...
nothing to say....coz aku nak continue study..esok klu aku rajin, aku update lah lg...ingat lah wahai sume...sebelum tido mohon lah keampunan kpda ALLAH..sbb tkut kita pergi dlm tdo..biar lah kte jhat mcmne skli pun...Allah ttp akn ampun kan kita...andai esok korang sume msih bernafas lg, ucap kan lah syukur...DIA pencipta kta msih bg peluang kpd kte untuk bertaubat dan berubah kpda kebaikan... ( juz peringatan untuk dri sendri and dikongsi bersama)...amin....
 gud luck ct nor hamidah!!!!!!!

                                                            really misz my dad and alg